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Sunday, July 25, 2010

I hope this is not true

On Drudge today, there is a link to and article in The Australian reporting that the Obama administration went along with the release of the Lickerbie bomber last year. there is supposedly a letter from the US embassy in London to the Scottish authorities stating that the US preferred compssionate release of the bomber to his continuing imprisonment in Libya. As the article points out, this letter puts the lie to Obama's claims that he was surprised by the move to release the bomber -- unless we are going to hear how the embassy in London acted on its own.

That Barack obama is caught in yet another lie is no big news. The number of lies just keeps on rising. What troubles me is that Obama would go along with the release of a man who was resonsible for killing over 200 Americans. Where is the justice for those families who lost loved ones? Release was not compassionate; it was idiotic. That is especially true since the point of the release was aparently to secure drilling rights for British oil companies in Libya.

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