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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gaddafi Goes

As I write this, the news is that Gaddafi has been wounded and captured, and there are unconfirmed reports that he was killed this morning. Good! Still, the news has me wondering how long it will be before president Obama takes to the airwaves to claim that this was a personal triumph for him. Gaddafi could have been brought down with essentially no fighting had Obama acted rather than dithered when the uprising in Libya first began. Since then, tens of thousands have died to achieve the result reached today. After the fighting began, Obama provided enough help to allow the Libyan rebels to persevere without a quick victory over the Gaddafi forces even though America had it within its power to destroy the Gaddafi forces. Again, this policy resulted in thousands of casualties more than were otherwise required. But now there has been the ouster of Gaddafi, a clear victory for the civilized world. I just hope that as we listen to the inevitable claim of personal victory from Obama that we remember the thousands of unnecessary deaths for which his irresponsible and indecisive policies have caused.

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