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Friday, October 14, 2011

Maybe it is time for MSNBC to leave the air

There are two stories today that make clear just how ridiculous and offensive MSNBC has become. The first story revolves around the call by Donny Deutsch for a "Kent State moment" for the Occupy Wall Street movement. For those of you who may not remember Kent State, it is a reference to a protest/riot at Kent State University in Ohio during the Vietnam War era at which some National Guard troops fired on student protesters and killed four. Deutsch said on MSNBC that a moment like that would crystallize the movement with a simple image.

Now let's look at what Deutsch said. He wants something like the murder of four protesters to crystallize the movement. Deutsch is not some yokel who just said the wrong thing. He had his own show for a while and is a trained TV journalist. He also used to have his own ad agency, so he knows the concept of making a splash through the use of imagery. He knew what he said and he meant what he said. And lest you think that Deutsch is just one of the angry 99% that they rant about at Occupy Wall Street, you should also know that Deutsch is worth over $300 million which he received when he sold his ad agency years ago. MSNBC should have bleeped this crap out. NO ONE should be on American televsion advocating a Kent State moment for any movement. Think of it this way: imagine what would happen if some idiot advocated a Kent State moment for the Obama campaign. Deutsch and MSNBC need to apologize and then Deutsch needs to be boycotted and kept off the air.

The second story on MSNBC is the discussion on the Ed Show that Herman Cain was taking his positions in order to appeal to white racists in the GOP. I have already written about this general theme earlier in the day. The difference on the Ed Show, however, is that MSNBC broadcast a story in which senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina was accused of racism for saying in 2009 that if the Republican could defeat Obamacare, it would be a Waterloo for Obama and the GOP would break him. According to the professor and self-proclaimed expert that Ed had on his show, "breaking" the president was a direct reference to "breaking" a slave in the antebellum South, and was, therefore, racist.

Maybe someone should explain to the professor that "breaking" someone is a common phrase in the English language. It is not racist. Indeed, I would be willing to bet that none of 1000 Americans picked at random who never heard the nonsense from the Ed Show would find the statement to be racist. No, instead we have a network like MSNBC that showcases idiots who are specialists in uncovering hidden racism that no sane person could ever find. Again, MSNBC should apologize and get fools like Schultz under control.

I do wonder how long it will be before Schultz brings on another guest to tell us about the hidden racism against native Americans in the Star Spangled Banner. After all, it does say the rockets' red glare.

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