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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Racism by Denial

This morning the website Real Clear Politics had an article reprinted from the New Republic which RCP ran under the headline "Herman Cain is not a Minstrel". When I saw the headline, I was appalled. What will come next? "Rick Perry is not a member of the KKK"? Maybe "Mitt Romney is not a Poligamist"!

The article on New Republic is a pseudo-intellectual dissertation on the language and humor that Cain uses together with an explanation of why Cain is not making fun of blacks. It is the kind of pointy headed academic nonsense that passes for deep thought in liberal circles. Only among progressives could there be a need for a professor to explain that Cain is actually authentic.

We are in year three of the Obama administration. In all that time, have you ever seen an article stating that Obama is authentically black? Of course not.

Interestingly enough, Real Clear Politics quickly took down the link to the article. It seems that someone over there finally woke up and realized just how offensive it was.

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