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Monday, October 21, 2019

Beto Throws In The Towel

Beto O'Rourke has given up.  Over the weekend Beto gave a speech to Democrats in Alabama where he proclaimed that America is "racist in its core."  Amazing.

Beto has reached the point where he is jumping the shark in political terms.  He tried announcing that if he were president, he would have all guns confiscated.  It got him some coverage, but no votes.  He remained at 1 percent in the polls.

Next, Beto tried supporting suppression of speech liberals didn't like.  Again, he got coverage (although less than on the guns) but no meaningful increase in votes.

Now, he's proclaiming the inherent racism of America.  It's such BS.  Beto isn't even old enough to remember what actual racism across the USA was like.  It's the rough equivalent of a guy with a paper cut denouncing the carnage of that cut to a group of war veterans.

Beto thinks that by denouncing all manner of progressive "outrages", he will secure votes for his candidacy.  The truth is something quite different.  Beto just exposes himself as a fool.  You can't attack the basic rights of Americans and hope to gain their votes.  You can't hate on the USA and expect Americans to support you.  Beto is just a fool. 

It's time for Beto to shut up and go home.  He has no future in politics.

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