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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Jordan Greets Nancy and Adam

There's a congressional "delegation" visiting Amman, the capital of Jordan today.  It's led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff and the announced purpose is to meet with King Abdullah and his government for a first hand look at the situation in the region.  It's strange to watch this group do their best to undermine American policy in the region;  it's not surprising, but it is strange nevertheless.

Here's an example:  a few days back the vice president and secretary of state went to Turkey and got an agreement from the Turkish president to a five day cease fire in the northern Syria where the Turks are fighting the Kurdish militia.  We are still in the middle of that five days.  Pelosi took the opportunity of her visit to Jordan to denounce that cease fire as a "sham".  She, of course, offered no solution, but she was certain that the ceasefire was bogus.  What kind of a moronic move is that?  Isn't it a shared goal to see the fighting end between the Turks and the Kurds?  Both sides announced that they accept the cease fire, although both sides accuse the other of violating that cease fire.  Still, there haven't been any major attacks since the ceasefire went into effect.  Why would Pelosi want to undermine that ceasefire?  The obvious answer is that the ceasefire is the outcome of diplomacy by the Trump administration, and Nancy denounces everything that the President does, no matter what it is.

Pelosi is also calling the trip a "bipartisan" move.  It's all Democrats except for one Republican from Texas who is retiring this year.  At least this line has some basis, though since there is one GOP representative added to the 11 Democrats.

The one who is truly fun to watch, though, is Adam Schiff.  The delegation held closed door meetings with King Abdullah and his ministers.  Schiff seemed baffled as to what to do after the meeting.  What should he leak?  It was a conundrum for him.  According to the NY Times, in the meeting King Abdullah promised to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election in exchange for a promise from the Democrats that they would pass additional foreign aid to Jordan.  (Just kidding, but it doesn't sound all that far-fetched does it?)

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