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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Peters Peters Out?

Gary Peters is a Democrat senator from Michigan.  He's up for re-election in 2020.  Nearly all the "experts" rate his chances of winning as "likely", but new polling may change that.  A poll by MRG just released shows Peters ahead of his likely GOP opponent John James by just 43 to 40 percent.  A three point lead a year before the election hardly means all that much, but for a poll of an incumbent to show just 43% is a very bad sign.  Remember, Peters has been representing Michigan for many years, so voters know him fairly well.  If he can only get the votes of 43%, you have to wonder where the other votes will come from to make up the majority.  Add in the fact that only 20% of the voters polled rated Peters job performance either excellent or good, and you have a recipe for a loss by Peters.

It's just one poll, and it could be an outlier.  Nevertheless, it certainly looks like this seat is going to be in play.

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