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Thursday, October 24, 2019

How Dumb Are They?

In the last few days, we keep being told about the opening statement from William Taylor for the "impeachment hearings".  Taylor's testimony is still secret, but his 15 page statement was conveniently released.  The Republicans present all say that the positions in the opening statement all collapsed during questioning, but, of course, the Democrats and Adam Schiff in particular have kept that secret.

Well, now we have something that isn't secret.  It is now being reported that Taylor has a long term and close relationship with Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma.  For those who may have forgotten, Burisma is the company that gave Hunter Biden hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of dollars to be a director of the company.  Biden had no experience with natural gas and couldn't even speak Ukrainian, but he did have a father who, at the time, was in charge of US policy regarding Ukraine.  Indeed, Biden had a father who used threats of a cut off of all US aid to Ukraine to get a prosecutor fired who had investigated Burisma for corruption.

As the Church Lady used to say on SNL, "Isn't that special!"

So we have a guy who has financial ties to Burisma who releases a "statement" that falls apart on cross examination, and the Democrats let the statement be released but keep the testimony secret.  These are unAmerican tactics worthy of a corrupt dictatorship in some fascist or communist state.

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