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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Democrats Ignoring The Truth

I've watched a bit of the Democrat debate tonight.  There's a limit to the amount of this stuff any sane person can take.  In the part that I've seen, it's been amazing just how dishonest these Democrats are.

Let me give you a good example:  the candidates all seem to agree that the economy isn't working for the middle class and the poor, just for the rich.  That's really not true; in fact, it is just the opposite.

During the eight years of Obama, the rich did get richer while the middle class had stagnant wages and the poor remained poor.  Income inequality skyrocketed with the Democrats in charge.  Then Trump and the Republicans took over in 2017.  Since then, the poor have done much better.  Unemployment for the poor has plummeted.  The number of folks on food stamps has declined by more than 10%, or some seven million people.  The number of people receiving welfare has also declined big time as the poor have seen higher incomes due to having jobs.

Things have been even better for the middle class.  Wages have risen each year under Trump.  That's the first time in a long, long time that middle class incomes have moved up.  The percentage increase in middle class income has been nearly twice as high as the percentage increase in the income of the wealthy.  The benefits have been particularly major for minorities.  Blacks and Hispanics and Asian/Americans have seen all time low levels of unemployment.  The creation of new businesses by minorities are way up and have reached the highest levels ever recorded.

Put all this together, and what you find is that for the first time in many years, income inequality is actually lessening in the USA.

The Democrat candidates all want to go back to the failed policies by Obama that increased income inequality.  So these losers say they want to fight inequality by following policies that promote inequality.

Then you have the nonsense with taxes.  Every Democrat on the stage wants to increase taxes.  Unlike years gone by when the Dems denied wanting to increase taxes, they now proudly proclaim this as their goal.  They don't tell us, however, just what all this new cash will be used to accomplish.  There will be Medicare for all, but they don't really tell us how that will work.  I'm still waiting for just one Democrat candidate to explain why government run healthcare won't end up like the VA system in which veterans under Obama waited for up to two years just to get in to see a doctor.  We'll have a healthcare system under which everyone gets equally poor care.  Who wants that?

The individual performances have been fun to watch.  Old Joe Biden is clearly having trouble remembering the lines that were written for him.  You can see the anger and fear on his face as he struggles to remember his lines.  Surely, nothing better reveals that the guy is over the hill than this.  Then there's the amazing moment when Liz Warren once again sidesteps the question of whether her medical plan would result in a massive middle class tax increase. (It would)  The first twenty times she sidestepped the question was bad enough.  Now she just looks evasive and like a liar.

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