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Sunday, October 6, 2019

Only One Way?

The NY Times has written a "report" which is actually an opinion piece describing how many of the so-called Never Trumpers of 2016 now support the President.  The Times seems oblivious to actual reality.  For example, the Times notes that any conservative or Republican who criticizes the President is met with fury by his supporters.  I don't doubt that, although my own observations are that this is an overstatement.  There have been plenty of disagreements among Republicans which have not led to any sort of furious response.  On the other hand, the Times ignores the incredible hatred directed at blacks or other minorities who say anything in support of the President.  The left goes nuts each time there is a credible minority voice raised in support of Trump.  Indeed, the level of destruction aimed by the Dems and the media at anyone who supports the President is terrible.  Somehow, though, the Times misses this.

Even more important, though, the Times also misses a major reason why the never-Trumpers became supporters.  This reason is the conduct of the Democrats and the media.  It's one thing to disagree with Trump on some policies or to dislike his personality.  It's something else to stand by and watch the Dems and the media spend two years trying to destroy Trump with the Trump/Russia collusion hoax.  It's not easy to read a Mueller Report that exonerates the President only to watch the Dems lie about it and claim that Mueller's Report would support impeachment.  Now, the never-Trumpers are told that a phone call for which there is a transcript forms the basis for a new move towards impeachment.  The media feeds the public half truths or obvious lies about what Trump said.  Morons like Adam Schiff actually blatantly lie in Congressional hearings about what was said in a call for which we have a transcript and then when he gets caught, Schiff claims it was only a "parody".  Watching this sort of unfair and outrageous attack on the President pushes the never-Trumpers towards supporting Trump here if only for the sake of fairness and decency.

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