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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Nice Way to Come Back

I've been off helping my daughter move, and I got back to today's vote on the impeachment rules resolution in the House.  It's interesting to note, that despite the whole hearted support of the media, the Democrats couldn't get any Republican to join them in passing the resolution.  The opposition, on the other hand, was bi-partisan.  If you really had any doubts about whether or not there is any substance to the accusations being leveled at the President by the Democrats, this ought to make it easy to come up with the answer.  Not a single one of the 200 Republicans in the House thought enough of this charade to vote in favor of an investigation.  Remember, this was not a vote to impeach, just a vote to investigate.  The Dems don't even have enough to convince one Republican to support this call for investigation.

On the other hand, the investigation was just too much for some of the Dems.  That's why the opposition was bi-partisan.

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