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Saturday, October 19, 2019

What A Moron - or -- Kamala Harris on CNN

Kamala Harris was on Anderson Cooper's show yesterday.  She denounced Rudy Giuliani (the president's private attorney) as "having broken many laws".  At that point, Anderson asked her "Are there any specific laws that you say Giuliani has broken?"

Kamala's response was priceless.  "Well I don't know.  That's something we will find out......"

It's amazing that Harris is still running for the presidential nomination.  What kind of a moron says that someone has broken many laws but has no idea what laws when asked to elaborate?  Remember, Harris was a prosecutor in California before she became a senator.  More than most others, Harris understands that you can't be said to have broken many laws without there being specific laws involved.

Harris is truly a moron, and that's being kind to her.

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