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Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Show Must Go On

After seeing the headlines today about a second "whistleblower" who is about to come forward, I can only say "the show must go on".  Think about it.  According to the reports, this second person has "first hand" knowledge of the events at the center of the first whistleblower's complain.  That means that he has first hand knowledge of the phone call between Trump and Ukrainian president Zelezny.  The media is making a big deal of this, but here's the thing:  WE ALREADY HAVE A TRANSCRIPT OF THE CALL.  In other words, we already know exactly what was said in the call.  What difference does it make if there's a second person coming forward?

This is all part of an orchestrated plan to attack Trump.  It would have been fine if Trump had not released the transcript, but now it just looks silly.  What could this second whistleblower add to the conversation?  What nonsense!

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