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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

So What Would You Do?

I'm not happy with American policy towards the conflict in Syria between the Turkish army and the Kurdish militias.  Both sides in this conflict have been our allies in the fight against ISIS.  In particular, the Kurds have sided with America during the Iraq war, the battle against ISIS, and every other conflict in the Middle East for the last two decades.

That being said, I'm find it strange to hear various senators and congressmen saying that the USA should "stand with the Kurds."  What does that mean?  Do these people want American forces to engage in battle against our NATO allies, the Turks, in order to stop the fighting?  We have a huge air base in Turkey at Incirlik where there are many thousands of American servicemen and women who would become instant targets in the event of such a conflict.  There are also tens of thousands of American civilians in Turkey who could also be targeted.  So I say again, what does it mean to "stand with the Kurds?"

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