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Saturday, December 7, 2019

Let's Focus On Issues

It's a strange thing to think that the issues really don't matter in the Democrat race for the presidential nomination.  Other than in fantasy, there really aren't many differences among the ever changing pack of candidates.

Each candidate thinks that President Trump is terrible and should be impeached.  That is true no matter what the evidence shows and no matter what the basis for impeachment actually is.  The candidates know that the hard left base wants Trump impeached no matter what, so they are all for impeachment.  Think about it.  Name a Democrat candidate who is counseling caution when it comes to impeachment or -- even more incredible -- who is opposing impeachment.  There are no such candidates.

Each candidate thinks that global warming is an existential crisis for our country and the world.  All of them want to raise taxes to fund some ill-defined scheme to combat carbon emissions.  Some candidates go into more detail about the fantasy of lowering carbon emissions.  Some go into great detail about how President Trump has put the USA on the wrong course (even though carbon emissions have declined more in the USA during Trump's presidency than in any other country in the world.)  But is there a candidate who says we don't know if there really is man made global warming?  Nope.  Is there a candidate who doesn't want to reduce carbon emissions?  Nope.  Is there a candidate who hasn't come out in support of raising taxes so as to fight climate change?  Again, nope. 

Each candidate wants more government involvement in healthcare.  This is one of the few places where there is some difference among the candidates.  Some -- like Warren and Sanders -- want total government control of healthcare.  They also want enormous tax increases for all Americans to cover the cost of such care.  Others -- like Biden -- want ever larger involvement by government in healthcare but they want a slower move to total government control.  The tax increases that these candidates want are huge, but they are smaller than the depression causing tax increases being pushed by Warren and Sanders.

None of the candidates want to control our borders to keep illegal aliens from streaming across the border.  Each of the candidates wants to give free healthcare, education and living expenses to all the illegals who get across the border.  No differences here at all.

All of the candidates are in favor of abortion whenever and wherever desired.  Some are inching toward abortion at birth, but they haven't stated this yet.

All the candidates want increased gun control by outlawing some types of weapons, registering all others, and/or confiscating weapons that are left.

As for the economy, the Democrats treat us to constant statements about how the economy is not working for most people.  We have record job creation, record low unemployment, growing wages, record business creation by minorities, and better economic results for the poor and the middle class than for the wealthy, but the Democrats want to end this by huge tax increases and major new regulations that will stop job growth, cause a recession, prevent a recovery, and move economic benefits back to the wealthy. 

So how is a Democrat to decide which candidate to support?  There are no real policy differences so they have to choose based upon personality and character.  Do they want the corrupt former Vice President who used the resources of the USA to bail out his son's Ukrainian employer?  You know, the guy who can't string three sentences together so that they make sense; the one who seems stuck in the 1950s; the one who makes creepy advances on young women.  Or do the voters want the angry old guy who never smiles; the one who screams and yells no matter what he talks about; the guy whose wife allegedly looted a college that employed her as president?  Maybe the voters will like the phony who claimed to be an indian to get a high paying job; the one who can't even tell the truth about where he kids went to school; the one who pretends to be an average American.  The voters might like the guy who is the only gay in the race (as far as we know).  he's the guy who looks twelve years old, who doesn't seem to like people of color, and who just can't seem to connect with people.  And let's not forget the ancient multi-billionaire who has no good reason for being president aside from the fact that he can self-fund his campaign.

It's a tough choice.  Right now, my guess is that Hillary gets back into the race if for no other reason than to make all the other candidates look good.

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