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Friday, December 13, 2019

Not Quickly Enough

With the blowout victory for the Tories in yesterday's UK elections, that disgusting bigot Jeremy Corbyn has announced that he will be leaving as leader of the Labour Party.  As usual, however, Corbyn doesn't have it in him to do the right thing.  He's resigning, but only after a proper "period of reflection" by the party.  In other words, Corbyn is planning to stay on as leader for the foreseeable future and only leave once he has been able to handpick his successor. 

I doubt that Corbyn is going to be able to follow that plan.  The pressure on him to go NOW will be intense.  Remember, under Corbyn's leadership Labour has fewer seats than it has held since the days when Margaret Thatcher was PM.  Further, some districts that Labour has held since World War I were won by the Tories.  There's even one district that the Tories took which they had never previously held.  Much of the northern industrial and most of the rural Labour seats fell to the Tories.  The consensus in the UK is that two things spelled disaster for Labour:  Brexit and Corbyn.  Those two are related.  Corbyn led his party into a position of advocating for a second referendum on Brexit.  This was intensely unpopular with the prevailing view being that after the first referendum voted clearly for Britain to depart the EU, it was anti-democratic to try for a do over.  Then there was Corbyn's close relationships with terrorists and his blatant anti-Semitism which turned off many British voters.

It would be pleasing to see the Labour party rise up and throw out Corbyn.  I don't know if there is a mechanism under which that can be done.  Still, getting Corbyn and his bigotry out of office would be a good start for Labour's returning to reality.

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