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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Odds and Ends

This morning there are a batch of small items to mention

1.  According to news reports, Michael Bloomberg has "surged past" Kamala Harris in the latest polls.  Bloomberg got a big 6% support while Harris was at 2% in the most recent poll.  Harris was in the teens six months ago, but her dying campaign just keeps falling.  No one wants to back an obvious loser.  In other words, surging past Harris is hardly an appropriate description.  It's about the same as "outrunning a fire hydrant."

2.  Joe Sestak withdrew from the Democrat race over the weekend.  I know, I know.  You're sitting there asking who the hell is Joe Sestak.  He was a congressman from Pennsylvania years ago who was a nobody when he was in Congress and remains a nobody today.  Indeed, the guy has such a low profile that no one covered his withdrawal from the race.  Bye Bye Joe!

3.  The mainstream media is lambasting President Trump this morning for calling out France's president Macron for saying that NATO is brain dead under American leadership.  It's not strange that our media would side with the French president against Trump.  It's not even strange that the media would side with fiction over fact.  The reality, though, is that NATO members other than the USA are spending about 100 billion more dollars each year on defense than they were when Trump took office.  Obama didn't care about NATO obligations and did nothing to encourage the other members to carry their own weight.  Trump has done this and it has put France in the position of having to actually try to defend itself.  Macron obviously liked the old system better in which US taxpayers bore the burden of French defense.

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