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Friday, December 13, 2019

No Matter What -- Criticize

It never fails.  Trump does something, anything, and the Democrats criticize it.  If they can't criticize it, then they claim that actually they did it, not him.

Here are two recent examples:

1.  The President announced that the USA and China have reached agreement on the first phase of a new trade agreement.  The details haven't been fully announced, however.  The agreement is being written now so that at some point in the next month it can be signed.

What's the reaction from the Democrats?  Do they cheer this big step forward?  Nope.  Remember, the Democrats have been excoriating Trump for even confronting China on trade.  They wanted to continue the Obama policy of just looking the other way as China stole intellectual property, kept American companies from the Chinese markets and subsidized Chinese firms so that they could steal sales from US firms.  Trump said no and he stood firm against Beijing.  In order to move forward, however, the two sides have split the trade deal into pieces.  The first piece is the one that has just been reached.  Chuck Schumer, however, ran to the media to denounce President Trump for "caving in" to the Chinese.  We know that China has agreed to massive purchases of US grains, food, energy and manufactured good.  Schumer thinks this is caving in.  We also know that some structural changes have been agreed that will protect American firms from having their ideas stolen and will also open the Chinese market to more competition from Americans.  Schumer thinks this is "caving in".  Finally we also know that what the US gave in return was agreement not to institute additional tariffs on Chinese goods this weekend and to a phased withdrawal of part of the current tariffs on Chinese goods.  China is also going to end some of the tariffs on American goods.

The reality is that we don't seem to be giving up much of anything to China.  We are simply stopping to apply pressure.  China is making concessions.  Someone should clue in Schumer what "caving in" means.

2.  The USMCA is the agreement between the USA, Canada, and Mexico to replace the flawed NAFTA pact.  Trump has pushed for this deal since the campaign in 2016.  The Democrats opposed it.  They said NAFTA was fine even though it was causing US manufacturers and farmers to bleed profits and sales and jobs.  Trump got the new pact negotiated a year ago and he sent to it Congress for approval.  Pelosi and the Democrats refused to even consider it.  That's right, even though USMCA will mean at least half a million new jobs in the USA and faster economic growth for all, the Dems wouldn't consider it.  When forced to explain why the Dems wouldn't act, Pelosi said she wanted better language regarding enforcement of labor rules.  For month after month, Pelosi and the Dems would say what that meant.  They wouldn't say what language they wanted changed.  They simply repeated the same vague statements so that they could deny the President a "win" with the new agreement (that the Dems said he would never get.)

With the impeachment embarrassment coming to a close for the Dems in total failure, Pelosi suddenly decided that she had to move forward with USMCA so that the Dems couldn't be blamed for killing that deal.  She told the trade negotiator what she wanted regarding labor rules and within less than two weeks, the White House got Canada and Mexico to agree to those minor changes. 

So what did Pelosi and the Dems do then?  They actually claimed that they had achieved the USMCA rather than Trump who got the whole agreement done. 

It's sad to watch the Dems spread lies about everything.

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