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Friday, December 6, 2019

The Jobs Report

The economy added 266,000 jobs last month.  This is a stunning number, much higher than the "experts" predicted.  And it was no fluke.  The numbers for the previous two months were also adjusted up by over 40,000.

Over the last week, I saw a number of political economists predicting that we could see the lowest jobs increase in years and that only because the GM strike had ended.  These geniuses predicted that as the USA entered a recession, hiring was stopping and but for the 50,000 or so GM workers going back to their work, the numbers would drop.  Sadly, this was wishful thinking by supposed experts who were just projecting their hopes that the Trump economy would sour.

This is just one month, but the three month average is now 205,000 jobs created per month.  The increase in salary continued apace with much of that increase going to lower paid workers.  In other words, for the umpteenth month in a row, the Trump economy has been especially good for the poor and middle income workers rather than for the highest end of the employment spectrum (although it's been rather good for them too.) 

These are great numbers for the economy.  We should all be happy that things are going so well.  Those people who were rooting for a recession to hurt Trump should get their heads out of their behinds and cheer the good news for their fellow countrymen.  It's a lot more important than some fleeting political issue.

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