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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Why Does It Sound Like A Movie Script?

A team of scientists has managed to create a new strain of bacteria that no longer eats organic sugars but instead lives off carbon dioxide in the air.  These bacteria would be used to reduce carbon dioxide in the air and thereby combat global warming.  Sounds nice, right; but what could go wrong?

Here's a thought.  What if the bacteria spread out of the lab and other controlled locations and suddenly got a foothold on the outside?  What if these bacteria spread around the world since the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is everywhere?  What if these bacteria which take their food from the air were able to seriously deplete the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?  Let me put it this way:  most plants on earth would die.  Then, most animals on earth would die.  Meanwhile, most people on earth would die.  And I say "most" because I don't want to be too over the top and say "ALL".

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is needed for nearly every plant on earth to survive.  Reduce levels in a dramatic fashion and plant life will starve.  If plants starve, all the animals that eat those plants will likewise starve.  And guess what happens to people at that point?  No food = no people.

The truth is that higher carbon dioxide levels is very good for plant life.  When the enviro-crazies decide that carbon dioxide is "bad", that is a totally counter-scientific and pseudo - religious point of view. 

I know it sounds like a movie plot, but this is real.  Will life on earth actually be destroyed by the environmental crazies?

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