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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

News No One is Covering

Did you know that six men were indicted yesterday by the Justice Department for hiding huge political contributions from foreign sources to the Democrats in 2016?  The contributions allegedly came from sources in Qatar and the UAE.  Something close to 1.6 million dollars in foreign funds are involved in the contributions covered by the indictments.  They seem to all have gone to the Clinton campaign.

Imagine, if you would, the media response if there were a similar indictment of people for hiding the same amount of contributions if they destination was the Trump campaign rather than the Clinton campaign.  We would have non-stop headlines about collusion between Trump and whatever foreign source was involved.  The Dems would add it to the impeachment articles long even if there were no proof.  But since this is potential wrongdoing by the Democrats/Clinton campaign, the media isn't even covering it.

I started this post by asking if you knew about it.  There's a reason for that.  I haven't seen any mainstream media coverage of the indictments.  Not one word.  Now maybe I missed it, but I don't think so.

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