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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Spending A Lot On Nothing

Michael Bloomberg and his multi-billion dollar fortune are running for president.  Bloomberg isn't taking donations; he's totally self funding.  That's fine.  Bloomberg has also now made clear that his two main issues are 1. Climate Change and 2. Gun Control.  That's right.  Bloomie is going to spend a billion dollars pushing two issues that are not very high on the list of concerns of the American people.  The big two issues are the economy and healthcare.  Climate change and gun control are down near the bottom in all the polls.

One does have to wonder how divorced Bloomberg is from reality if he thinks that he can win a race on these two issues.  Tom Steyer has just spent hundreds of millions of dollars of his own money pushing his signature issue of climate change, but he's at 2% or less in all the polls.  Why would Bloomberg think that he would do any better than his fellow billionaire Steyer?

It seems like both are spending a lot on NOTHING.  Of course, it is good for the local TV stations who sell their ad time for higher amounts because of the added demand.

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