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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Obstruction of Congress??

Word is that one of the two articles of impeachment that the Dems plan to offer to the House this morning is for "obstruction of Congress."

This is perhaps the biggest admission so far that there is absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing by Trump.  The Democrats have nothing.

Think about it.  In your time in school, you surely learned how the Constitution set up "separation of powers" and employed "checks and balances" to prevent any branch of the government from taking control over the other two.  There are three equal branches of the US government:  legislative (Congress), Executive (the President) and Judicial (the courts.)  There is always a tension between these three branches.

What this means is that for our entire history, Congress has made demands on the executive branch and the president of the day then decided whether or not to comply.  He had no obligation to do so.  If Congress wanted to have a witness come and testify to a committee, it had to go to court to get an order from a federal judge compelling such testimony.  For our entire history, if a president didn't want to send a witness or documents in response to a Congressional request, he just refused unless and until the courts ruled that he had to do so.  There are, by the way, many instances in which the courts have ruled in favor of the president.  Congress doesn't have the right or the power to simply required employees of the executive branch to testify or to produce documents or even to supply information if the president opposes the move.

This non-compliance, however, is exactly what the Congress now says is the basis for impeachment.  President Trump has done exactly what every president has done in the past.  Now, the Dems want to change that from normal Presidential behavior into a basis for removal from office.

The Democrats are embarrassing themselves.  Most of them understand this, but in their hatred of Trump, they can't seem to control themselves so as to do what is right.  They would destroy our Constitution in order to regain power.

Simply put, these people are dangerous.  They need to be voted out of office at the next opportunity if we are to preserve our Republic.

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