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Thursday, December 5, 2019

Pay Attention

There are reports that Iran has been moving missiles into Iraq to be held their by militias that the Iranians control.  There are also reports that Iran is preparing for an attack on either US or allied facilities in the Middle East.  Iran already attacked the Saudi oil fields not long ago and managed to stop one-half of Saudi oil output for nearly a month.  Imagine what a coordinated Iranian attack on US military bases as well as facilities of the Saudis, Israelis, Kuwaitis and others would cause.  Missile defenses can protect some of these facilities, but imagine that Iran launches a real attack.  Suppose Iran launched 40 missiles towards a US aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf.  Would one get through?  It certainly seems possible.  Were the Iranians to actually hit a carrier or an air base or a marine base in Iraq to some other US military base, there could be hundreds of casualties, if not more.

This is not a far fetched possibility.  Iran is under extreme pressure now.  The government just had to murder something like 500 Iranians to try to stop anti-government protests that swept Iran.  Teheran may think that starting a real battle with the USA could unite Iranians behind their government.  More to the point, the Iranians may think that with the impeachment nonsense going on in Washington, the USA is not paying attention to what is happening in the Middle East.  The mullahs may think that they will be able to shoot first and then come to some sort of agreement afterwards.

That would be a mistake.  I doubt very much that President Trump would suffer an attack on the US military without enormous push back against Iran.  Were that to happen, of course, the media and the Democrats would denounce it as an obvious ploy to put off impeachment.  They care more for their power than for the welfare of this country.  Still, I don't think that the American people would accept this.

I hope this is wrong, but I fear it is not.

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