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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Realizing the Consequences

One of the more bizarre positions taken by the Democrat presidential candidates is the promise to ban fracking if elected.  Elizabeth Warren says she would do it on "day one".  Other candidates agree, and all of the main Dem candidates support an end to fracking.  Supposedly, this ban of fracking would help stop climate change.

Almost everything about the Democrats and their promised ban on fracking is wrong.  The only thing they have done correctly regarding fracking is to learn to spell that word properly.  Here are a few points:

1.  Fracking has allowed the conversion of coal power plants to natural gas power plants.  As a result, emissions in the USA have declined more than in any other large industrial country in this century.  The USA is alone among the major industrial nations to have met the targets set by the Paris Climate agreements, even though we are no longer part of that accord.  Ending fracking would require a return to coal and a major increase in emissions.

2.  Ending fracking would cause economic chaos across the nation.  In a new study that looked only at the state of New Mexico, it was determined that a ban on fracking would result in the loss of 142,000 jobs in that state over five years, a decline in median household income by more than $10,000, and lost government revenue of over $16 billion.  In other words, New Mexico would suffer a depression and the state would be broke.  In other states where fracking is more prevalent (like PA or ND) the impact would be much greater.  On top of this, ending fracking would change the USA from and energy exporters back into a major energy importer with product coming in at much higher prices.  How would gasoline at $9 per gallon affect your budget?  How would bills for heating your home with gas of $1000 per month affect you?

None of the Democrats have offered any answer as to how to deal with such a catastrophe.  The media doesn't ask them.  They just say "climate change" and then offer these idiotic proposals.

Americans need to understand the consequences of adopting the hare-brained schemes being pushed by the Democrat candidates.

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