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Friday, December 27, 2019

Nine Days and Counting

Today is nine days and counting since the House Democrats rushed through their partisan articles of impeachment.  They didn't bother to hear witnesses with evidence (if there were any) of any alleged wrongdoing by the President.  Democrats like Jerry Nadler told us that this was a national security emergency and they had to move at light speed to get rid of Trump.  They stopped Trump from having the ability to present an actual defense -- they didn't even tell him the charges.  That would have taken too long, or so they said.  They had to get all this done by Christmas.  Everything had to be done in a hurry, and the constitutional niceties couldn't be followed, or so they said.

Well, after more than a week, the House Democrats still haven't bothered to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate.  NINE DAYS!!!  Obviously, there is no rush.  Obviously, there was no need for a rush.  The supposed reason for the delay is that the Dems want to have a say in the procedures followed in the Senate for an impeachment trial.  But here's the thing:  the Constitution says that the House has NO say in the trial rules.  That is totally up to the Senate.

What that means is that after telling us for weeks and months about how this was such an emergency that they couldn't follow the constitutional requirements, House Democrats have now revealed that to be nothing but a lie.  They are improperly and unconstitutionally trying to leverage the articles of impeachment into giving them some say in the Senate trial.  They are delaying things themselves.

These are not good people.

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