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Monday, September 14, 2020

Dems Now Trying To Cheat On The Census

 It's unbelievable the things that the Democrats try to do to get any possible political advantage.  Now they are trying to delay completion of the census into 2021 so that a potential president Biden could put his finger on the scale to get blue areas better results in the count.

Under the Constitution, there has to be a census every ten years and it has to be conducted as directed by Congress.  The current law says that the census has to be completed by December 31 of 2020.  The Census Bureau is on track to complete its work on time even though the pandemic has interrupted some of its efforts.  Actually, much more of the work of the Census has been done on line and by email, mail and phone than ever before.  Technology has allowed this year's census to have a higher response rate than was the case ten or twenty years ago.  

Despite this, the Democrats have gone to court (don't they always) to seek an injunction prohibiting the government from completing the census this year.  The Dems claim the Census Bureau needs more time to complete its work because of the virus.  The Dems got a friendly Dem judge to issue a preliminary order granting more time.  The Census Bureau, however, says it doesn't need more time.

The hope of the Democrats is to use the courts to give a potential president Biden's team the chance to use statistical adjustments to increase the population of blue states and blue regions within red states in order to give them an advantage in future elections.  They would have more seats in Congress and more electoral votes for their states.

Hopefully, the order will be appealed and the matter will get decided quickly on an emergency basis.  The court doesn't have the power to change the law to suit the Dems if the Census Bureau itself says it doesn't need more time.

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