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Friday, September 18, 2020

Where Is COVID Worst

 I just watched Joe Biden say that COVID is worst right now in the USA, that it is much less prevalent in Europe, and that 200,000 more people will die in the USA from the disease this year if things don't get changed.  The guy doesn't have a clue.

To fact check Biden's statement, I went to the figures that Johns Hopkins Medical School publishes each day that list total and new cases and deaths in each country around the world.  Here are a few choice facts:

1.  In India yesterday, there were 97,000 plus new people who tested positive for the virus.  That's more than double the just over 40,000 who tested positive in the USA.  There were also more cases in Brazil than in the USA yesterday.

2.  If you would prefer to look at cases per 100,000 people instead of total cases, consider that Brazil has only about two thirds as many people as the USA.  That puts its cases per 100,000 people at more than 50% higher than the American figure.  Argentina has only one eighth as many people as the USA, but it has roughly 30% of the US number of cases.  That means that the Argentines are running at an infection rate per 100,000 people that is about twice as high as that in the USA.

3.  And as for Biden's claim that things are better in Europe, let's take a look at Spain.  Spain has about 15% as many people as the USA, but it has a rate of new infections per 100,000 that is about four times that of the USA.  France is also running at a significantly higher rate of infections per 100,000 people than the USA.

4.  And how about Biden's claim that there will be another 200,000 dead from the virus in the USA this year?  In the six and a half months since the first death in the USA from the virus, we have not reached 200,000 deaths.  The numbers of deaths per infection were much greater in March and April than they have been lately.  Treatment is much improved.  The mortality rate from infections of the virus has fallen by more than 50%.  For Biden to state -- without any scientific backup-- that the deaths will more than double in the next three and a half months just shows how he doesn't even understand what he is reading off the teleprompter.  There would have to be an average of more than 2000 deaths per day to get to 200,000 total deaths.  There have been only six days since the start of the pandemic when there were more than 2000 deaths in the USA and they were all prior to May first before better treatments were available.  

So not a single one of Biden's claim is factually correct.  NOT ONE.

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