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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Nothing Like Being Prepared

 Joe Biden gave a speech today in Warren Michigan.  Biden hasn't exactly been campaigning at breakneck speed.  It's a big day if he does one event, so he and his staff have plenty of time to prepare.  Today, Biden illustrated this fact.  Since he had plenty of time to get his speech correct, Biden blasted President Trump for allowing our military to suffer 6114 dead from COVID after 118,984 servicemen and women were infected.   

Bit there's a small problem with this.  The actual number of COVID cases among the military has been 40,026 and the actual number who have died is 7.  That's right, there were seven deaths from COVID among America's military, but Biden claimed there had been 6114 who died.  That means he multiplied the actual number of deaths by more than 800 times.  And remember, Biden wasn't approximating; he said 6114 which is very exact.

Years ago, Barack Obama said he had been to all 57 states, and that was a rather egregious error.  At least he was close.  Biden says 6114 dead when there really were only 7 and his number is like one from a different planet.

Is this the guy you want running the country?  NO WAY

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