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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Some People Cannot Change

 In 2004, CBS Evening News host Dan Rather was forced out of his job by the network.  The cause was a story Rather aired on 60 Minutes claiming that President Bush had skipped out on all of his required Air National Guard drills.  Rather claimed to have documents that proved this to be true.  But there was a problem; the documents were rather obvious forgeries.  They had been printed on a computer printer of a type that didn't exist at the time they were supposedly created.  When confronted with the truth, Rather didn't back down; he stuck with the phony story.

Now we have the Jeffrey Goldberg bogus hit piece in The Atlantic where Goldberg claims to have anonymous sources who report that president Trump said terrible things about wounded veterans two years ago in France.  The story seemed ridiculous on its face, but now every staff member who was present when the events in issue took place has denounced the story as false.  Even Jeffrey Goldberg now admits that his story might not be accurate.  But for Dan Rather, that doesn't matter.  Today, he said that whether or not true, the story at least sounds believable.

Here's a guy who was at the pinnacle of TV news.  He got bounced out of his job for pushing phony stories.  Now, he's sticking up for more Fake News because he says that at least it sounds believable.


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