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Friday, September 18, 2020

Odds and Ends

 There are a few items that need attention today.

1.  Joe Biden talked yesterday about suburbs that will be burned to the ground or destroyed in super storms due to climate change.  He is still screaming about the "record" fires out west and how they are a result of climate change.

I wrote previously that this was a lie.  From 1930-1950, there were at least twice as many acres burned in fires as we have seen this year with one year hitting ten times the number of acres compared to 2020.  So no record has occurred.  

Now, I checked and found that according to the UN, total numbers of forest fires worldwide is down substantially this year over last.  Climate change affects the entire world.  If there were any relation between the climate and these fires, then we should be seeing more fires worldwide, not just in a few states out west that stopped taking anti-fire land management actions.

2.  CNN got desperate in coverage of a Biden event for Latino voters.  There were hardly any people at the event (less than 20).  CNN didn't want to show this, so they used a picture of a Trump rally among Hispanic voters that had an enormous crowd and labelled it a Biden rally.  Some eagle eyed folks noticed this and blew the whistle on the internet.  CNN has yet to acknowledge their fraud or apologize for it.

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