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Friday, July 2, 2010

The statistics game

Here we go again. first there were claims that the government was manipulating the employment numbers by hiring, firing, hiring, firing, and hiring census workers to triple or quadruple the number of jobs "created". Now we have the anomaly of today's unemployment report: the numbers of unemployed went up substantially, but the unemployment rate went down. Strangely, with the students graduating from college in May being added to the workforce in June, the Government says that the number of people looking for work actually declined during that month. since there are fewer in the workforce, the rate went down by 0.2%

The truth is that the main number from this morning's report is the creation of just over 80,000 jobs in the private secrot of the economy. That number is best described as paltry in the context of the "recovery" that the Obamacrats are celebrating with "Recovery Summer". In may respects, Recovery Summer is akin to "Clean Beach Day" in Louisiana. There is no real recovery yet, just like there are no clean beaches on the Gulf. Both conditions are directly the result of incompetence by the Obama Administration. Just think where we would be now if the stimulus funds had actually been used for true stimulus rather than for payoffs to Obamacrat insterest groups. Just think where the beaches would be if Obama had paid attention to the spill when it first happened (or even a month after it first happened).

I am really sick of the games and spin that come from Washington. Someone who tells the truth would be great. Someone who both leads and tells the truth would be even better.

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