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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Consider What This Actually Means

Which US tax brings in 79% of its revenue from families making less than $50 thousand per year?  Which US tax brings in 37% of its revenue from families making less than $25 thousand per year?

Here's a hint:  it's a tax for which the Democrats strongly oppose the efforts by Republicans to repeal it. 

The answer is the individual mandate tax.  In other words, the tax that people without health insurance have to pay due to that failure to purchase that insurance.

Think about that.  Nearly all the revenue from this tax comes from people in the bottom half of the income levels in the USA.  More than a third comes from people in the bottom quarter of income.  And yet, despite that onerous burden on the poor, the Democrats are insistent on keeping that tax in place.  They are going to battle against Republicans who want to repeal the tax.  Why is that?

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