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Sunday, November 5, 2017

The President In Japan

I watched President Trump's speech to the American troops at the Yokota airbase near Tokyo, and one thing of importance stood out.  President Trump really has great respect for America's armed forces and for all they do to protect this country.  The speech was not one of the great moments in Western oratory.  It was, however, quite heartfelt.  It seemed to me that President Trump connected with the military in a way that president Obama never seemed able to do despite Obama's supposed super ability as an orator.

It's sad that in the USA we all to often take the members of our armed forces for granted.  These guys and gals choose to serve and to endure all manner of hardships just to do what it right.  These are not coddled college kids who need safe spaces if someone says something they don't like.  These are men and women who take on the real evil in the world.  They fight those who murder and commit genocide or terrorist acts.  They risk their lives, and they suffer terrible wounds, not just hurt feelings.  Nevertheless, from the way that the media deals with these groups, one would think that the snowflakes on college campuses are much more important than those in the military who put their lives on the line to preserve our freedoms.  That's backwards from the way it should be.

Kudos to President Trump for his praise of our fighting men and women.

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