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Monday, July 23, 2018

More Of The Same

Nearly 500 rescue workers were taken out of Syria by the Israelis over the weekend.  The rescue workers belong to the "White Helmets".  That group provided basic necessities for civilians in areas where the civil war made normal life difficult.  Because the group provided medical services and food to residents in rebel controlled areas as well as areas controlled by the Assad regime, Assad labeled them a "terrorist" group.  As the Assad forces make substantial progress in southwestern Syria (near the Israeli border), the White Helmets were singled out for execution by the regime.

A group of western countries including the UK and the USA asked Israel if it could send forces into Syria to rescue the White Helmets from attack by the Assad forces.  Over the weekend, that rescue took place.  Some of the White Helmets refused to leave and instead stayed to help those civilians who remain targets of the Assad regime.  More than half, however, left with the Israelis.  They were taken to Jordan where they will remain for a few weeks until they get resettled in the UK and two other nations.

The rescue of the White Helmets is a good example of international cooperation aimed at helping civilians inside Syria.  The Assad regime, however, has issued a statement calling the rescue a "criminal act".  Of course, this may be nothing more than another meaningless statement by Assad.  Remember, the Assad forces took no steps to confront the Israeli troops that brought the White Helmets back over the border to safety.  Still, for Assad to express anger regarding the rescue of humanitarian workers really says all that one needs to know about just who Assad truly is.

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