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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

They Don't Even Realize -- Or So It Seems

I happened to go to Yahoo News just now and the featured article had the headline:  The Trump Doctrine -- Tough Guy Tweets, Modest Results.  I doubt that Yahoo understands just how silly this headline is.  The article talks about Trump's tough tweets towards the North Koreans and how the summit with Kim Jung Un brought no real results.  The very next article, just under the one I am discussing, however, had the headline North Korea Really Dismantling Missile Facility.

Think about that.  The editors at Yahoo are so anti-Trump that they put the first article smashing him right above a second article that disproves the first. 

Of course, the Trump Doctrine article is silly.  The first effort in foreign policy by Trump was to destroy ISIS.  That has been done.  Obama fumbled the ball and let ISIS develop; he took steps to fight it, but in two years he made only partial headway against the terrorists.  Trump came in and in a few months, ISIS was history.

The second effort by Trump was North Korea.  Here too he used his "tough guy tweets".  The end result was that the US hostages were released, the remains of US servicemen from the Korean war were brought home (with more to follow), Kim Jung Un stopped all nuclear testing and missile testing (hardly a modest result), the NK's blew up their nuclear test site, the missile facility is being dismantled and this shows clearly on satellite pictures, and there has been a line of communication set up directly with Kim.  That's not too shabby.

Then there's NATO.  The Democrats and media say Trump has undermined it with his rhetoric.  That's wrong.  Trump has managed to get the bulk of the NATO countries to agree to fund their military to the level required by the NATO treaty.  Sure, some of these countries may not like being told that they actually have to do what they promised to do in the treaty, but Trump did it anyway.  He's not at all like Obama who was so concerned with diplomatic niceties that he never got anything done.  For Obama, world leaders were fragile children who needed safe spaces and trigger warnings.  For Trump, world leaders are adults who he treats honestly like adults.  Again, the results have been way beyond modest.

I wonder if the fools at Yahoo News even realize this or if they are so consumed by their hatred of Trump that they choose to live in their delusions.

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