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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Oh that AP

The results of today's elections in Hungary came in as expected with the conservative party taking a majority of seats in the parliament even before the last third of the seats are allocated in the upcoming run off election. the collapse of the ruling Socialists was so complete that they almost lost to the right wing Jobbik Party. Still the reporting by the AP was almost comical. First they breathlessly report this as an election which has turned the "traditional" Hungarian Parliament results on their head. According to the AP, the tradition of Hungarian elections since the fall of communism has been for a parliament dominated by the conservatives and the socialists. It seems strange to speak of a tradition when it has been less than 20 years since communism fell. It seems stranger to hear of the big change when the parliament has the conservatives as the biggest party by far and the socialists in second place. Apparently, the 15% of the vote won by the Jobbik party is enough for the AP to hyperventilate.

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