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Friday, April 30, 2010

Race Baiting for Dummies

I think that the liberals across the country have been using methods that they got out of an instruction manual distributed by the DNC that must be called "Race Bating for Dummies". How else can one explain the crazed response to the new Arizona statute on immigration. Calling upon the expertise of Democrats of an earlier day like Bull Connor, George Wallace,Lester Maddox and Orville Faubus, the Democrats are doing all they can to rile up racial conflicts for purely political purposes. It is disgusting and should disqualify both obama and the Obamacrats from any further chance to govern the nation.

During my lifetime, this country has moved from segregation to integration; from lack of opportunity to equal opportunity; from exclusion to affirmative action to open opportunities; from intense racial confrontation to something close to racial harmony. Oh, I know that everything is not perfect. There are still many who harbor racial grudges and there may be 5% of the population that can be called racist, but the key point is that racists are clearly outside the mainstream of the US. Indeed, racism is so far outside that norm that being called a racist is one of the most damning things that can be said of someone in America today.

Why then do Obama and the Obamacrats think it is a good idea to reopen old wounds and incite racial conflicts? First we had the nonsense that tea partiers were racists. Then we heard that all who oppose Obama's policies do so only out of racial hatred. Then we progressed to having demonstrators falsely accused of calling Congressmen racial epithets just so as to discredit those demonstrators. Now we hear that Arizona police who will simply enforce federal law in the sam way that federal police of the INS do are storm troopers, NAZIs and Klansmen. Indeed, anyone who supports the Arizona law does so only because of race hatred according to the Obamacrats.

This course of action is the most destructive and hateful one that the Obamacrats could have chosen. No matter who wins the argument, it will take decades to undo the words of hatred that the Obamacrats are spewing into the political discourse. When you factor in the fact that they are doing this all just for their own political ends without and regard for the truth (they know they are lying), their conduct gets that much more outrageous.

I hope that America soon understands exactly what the Obamacrats are doing. There should not just be a rejection of the Obamacrats in November; they should be wiped out as a meaningful party. We can all disagree on the healthcare system, global warming, foreign policy, tax levels and the like. That is the American way of government. There is no excuse for the Democrats wounding the country with their incitement of racial hatred, however. It is time for them to go!

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