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Friday, May 13, 2011

Dumbest headline of the day

Yahoo is listing a news story with the headline, "Is America Ready for a Mormon President?" This wins the prize as the dumbest headline of the day. In 2008, we elected as president an African-American who was thought by about 25% of the electorate to be a foreign born Muslim. After that, the answer to the silly question in the yahoo article is surely yes.

Last night brought the news that two men in New York had been arrested for plotting to bomb various synagogues in the city. The television was filled with pictures of the weapons that the two had purchased to carry out the plot: guns, ammo and grenades. According to the news report, the two wanted to kill Jews since Muslims were being treated “like dogs”.

The New York City police are to be congratulated for breaking up another terror plot. Why is it that nearly every plot of this sort seems to be in New York? Thankfully, the police are up to the task of dealing with these crazies.

What really interested me about the reports, however, was the note that the federal anti-terrorism taskforce declined to get involved in dealing with this plot. The feds left this to the local police. How can that be? Can you imagine what would have happened if these jerks had managed to carry out an attack and it came out that the feds had stepped aside from dealing with them? Someone had better explain why the feds did not get involved here.

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