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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Where is the Analysis

In the last few days, I have seen news anchors on a variety of networks talking about how president Obama is now pushing for expanded oil drilling in the USA. A few of these folks also spoke about how nancy Pelosi was echoing the president's call for expanded drilling. These were not just reports on the Obama media like NBC. I saw the same on more objective news shows as well. It leads me to question whether anyone actually looks at what Obama does and analyzes what he says. The answer seems to be that even though Obama has spun a large number of tall tales over the last two years, the media is still prepared to just report what he says as if he really means it and as if it beats out what he does.

Since taking office, Obama has managed to take actions which cut US oil output by about 10% below what it would have been without those actions. This has cost the country hundreds of thousands of jobs and slowed economic growth in a meaningful way. The president has done nothing that would increase energy output from either oil or natural gas. Now he has given a speech in which he called for investigating the oil industry for fraudulent practices and raising taxes on the oil companies. No one in his right mind would think that either of these moves would encourage production increases. He also called for extending the leases of companies whose drilling programs he delayed by not granting permits in a timely fashion. Again, this does not increase output, just delays. Finally he called for increased drilling in a responsible was and pledged to study how to do that. Again, this is a sound bite designed to make him look like he favors increased production while actually doing nothing to increase production by so much as one barrel. Why does the media fail to see this? It is no mystery. The American people need to have someone who will voice these truths in a way that will get coverage. Okay Pawlenty, Daniels, Romney and the rest of you. Open your mouths and tell the American people about this!

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