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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Piercing through the Misinformation About The Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack

The world is bracing for some sort of attack by the USA, UK and France (at a minimum) on Syrian forces backing Assad in response to the use by the Assad forces of chemical weapons against civilians.  Much speculation about the timing and form of the response has been splashed in the media, but we won't know what the response will be until it actually happens.  Meanwhile, many in the media are buying into the nonsense that we don't know for certain who carried out the chemical attack.  The people saying this are either fools taken in by Russian, Syrian and Iranian propaganda or they are intentionally spreading Fake News.

Let's consider reality for a moment.  There are US forces in Syria and that means that the USA is monitoring aircraft flights over Syria on a 24/7 basis.  If a plane, helicopter or missile brought a chemical weapon to the site of the attack, American radars and other tracking systems recorded the base from which the aircraft left, the flight plan the aircraft took, the time when the aircraft was over the attack site, and the base to which the aircraft returned after the attack.  We know precisely when the attack took place, so there is no question which aircraft launched the chemical weapons on the civilians.  It is not hard to tie the chemical attack back to its source, and we are being told that the source is the Assad forces.  But, but, but the Russian media claims that the attack was launched by the rebels to gain Western support.  We are supposed to believe that the rebels bombed their own people and killed hundreds of women and children just to get Western support.  Even if one is enough of a conspiracy nut to believe such a thing, there is still the problem that the rebels don't have planes, missiles or helicopters from which to launch an attack.  So it can't be the rebels.

The point is that Assad has launched this heinous attack.  The regime needs to pay a steep price for doing this.  All the BS about the rebels being the source of the attack has to be ignored.

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