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Sunday, July 1, 2012

800 Dead this past week in Syria

The Syrian opposition reported today that in the last week 800 people have died in Syria. Most of the dead are the result of indiscriminate shelling by the Assad forces.

It is worth putting this figure in context. In 2001, when al Qaeda attacked the USA on 9-11, 3000 people died. Given the size of the Syrian population, this past week's carnage would be the equivalent in the USA of about 12,000 dead. That is four times higher than 9-11 and it is just the latest week. The slaughter is going on full time in Syria.

We should all be thankful that the world community has come to an understanding that the fighting in Syria will end. Of course, since that understanding did not include either side in the Syrian fighting, it is just another of these fantasies that the UN engages in. Remember the last UN cease fire in Syria? It lasted just under ten seconds. We all should congratulate president Obama and secretary Clinton for their great achivement in getting the world community to take such strong action to stop the killing. Maybe their next effort could be having a conference to have the nations of the world order that there will be no hurricanes this year followed quickly by another conference to order disease microbes to stop infecting unsuspecting people.

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