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Monday, July 30, 2012

What About a Woman's Right to Choose?

In a truly screwy move, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has pushed through a program designed to force mothers who have just given birth to breast feed their infants rather than choosing to bottle feed them. The program requires staff in city hospitals to keep all baby formula under lock and to only release it if a "medical need" for the formula can be documented. Medical need apparently does not include hunger of the infant. Further, if a mother is able to get the formula, she is required to hear a lecture on the benefits of breast feeding from the staff before the formula and bottle is delivered. To be clear, the lecture is supposed to be delivered to the mother each time that a bottle is delivered. In other words, New York City is now going all out to dissuade mothers from using formula and to force them to breast feed.

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it strange that a city government that would go nuclear if anyone were to threaten the right of expectant mothers to kill their offspring by abortion now wants to force these same mothers to breastfeed. A woman's right to choose extends to the life or death of her child, but, in New York City, that choice does not cover what the woman's baby will eat. The concept is completely screwy. Why is the breakfast of babies more important than their lives? How can liberals like Bloomberg think it intolerable for the government to protect the lives of babies but also intolerable for the government not to determine what infants eat?

Anyone with an explanation for this is welcome to set it out in the comments to this post. There cannot be a rational explanation for this.

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