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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Even in the Media, the Truth Seeps Through

Here is the headline from an article on the ABC News website yesterday: Obama ad calls Romney 'the problem' with job losses to China.

If you saw that headline, what would you think? The only logical conclusion is that Romney caused jobs to go to China and Obama is calling him on that. But that is not what the article is about. No, ABC is reporting that Obama is continuing to show the ad making the charge that Romney outsourced jobs even though the claims were shown to be demonstrably false when reviewed by independent fact checkers. Here is the first line of the article: Undeterred by independent fact-checkers that have debunked the thrust of their claims, the Obama campaign is redoubling attacks on Mitt Romney as an "outsourcer" in a new TV ad airing in eight battleground states.

As the article continues, it eventually gets to the point in the ninth paragraph when it states: "We found no evidence to support the claim that Romney — while he was still running Bain Capital — shipped American jobs overseas," concluded in a report last month.

So there you have it. ABC News feels compelled to report that Obama is lying about Romney in Obama's campaign ads. Sure, ABC still tries to write the article so that many who just glance at the piece will think that Obama is correct. Nevertheless, the truth is seeping out. As more and more media outlets are forced to call the Obama campaign on its lying, the strength of the Obama attacks on Romney will be diminished. After a while, we will be at the point where the old line that Reagan used against Carter will win the day for Romney: "There you go again!" Why believe the Obama charges when they are being proved to be false again and again?

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