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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Obama the Liar

I have often pointed out in this blog that president Obama has lied to the American people. It is not exactly a big deal for a writer in the blogosphere to call a politician a liar, even if that politician happens to be president of the United States. Of course, when I said that Obama had lied, I was correct. No intelligent person with Obama's spending record could tell the American people that he was the president who increased spending least of all presidents since World War II. It is like Chris Christie claiming to be the thinnest governor ever of New Jersey or like Nancy Pelosi claiming that she never had plastic surgery. Not only is the claim false, but everyone knows that it is false. But Obama was out there pitching it nevertheless. Obama also told us repeatedly that Obamacare would lower insurance premiums and increase jobs when the opposite was true. I had better stop listing lies or I will get sidetracked.

In any event, while it is not a big deal for me to call Obama a liar, it is a quite a big deal for another candidate to call the president a liar. But that is what Mitt Romney has now done. The Romney campaign is pointing out that Obama lied when he said that Romney had outsourced jobs. It cites to two different groups that checked the claim and said it was wholly without factual basis and that Obama went right on making the claim even after it was exposed as untrue. The stated conclusion is that Obama lied to the American people. For a political campaign this is hard language. Folks are not used to hearing stuff like this. Some of the Obama partisans may be outraged; after all it is disrespectful of the president. But most folks in the middle will be more likely to actually pay attention to this. And, if they do, Obama's attacks on Romney as a supposed outsourcer may become a true disaster for Obama. After all, if the public accepts the idea that Obama has been lying, it will surely stop listening to the president. That will be deadly for Obama and his campaign.

There is no question that Obama lied about Romney's record. Bravo to the Romney campaign for telling it like it really is. Maybe the slogan for the Obama campaign can be "Obama lied, his campaign died!"

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