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Monday, May 21, 2018

The Blinders Come Off

The recent trajectory of the Russia-Trump story pushed by the media and the Democrats has been amazing.  We went from (1) multiple daily stories from unnamed sources that trumpet the latest "smoking gun" in the investigation, to (2) fewer such smoking guns accompanied by some unhappy revelations like Hillary and the DNC paying for the Trump Dossier on which the investigation began, to (3) a continuing trail of stories about how the Obama administration got a FISA warrant illegally on an associate of the Trump campaign and then illegally unmasked those with whom the fellow spoke so as to get details of what the campaign was doing, to (4) news that the intelligence agencies were spying on the Trump campaign (which the Democrats and media all denied and even derided), to (5) confirmation that the Obama CIA/FBI worked together to plant a spy inside the Trump campaign along with publishing the details of who the spy is and how he worked inside the campaign.  In other words, the media/Democrat cabal went from attacking the President on all fronts on a non-stop basis to faltering in that attack and now, to having their (criminal?) misdeeds uncovered for the world to see.  It is a dramatic and incredible fall for the old Obama folks and their allies in the Clinton campaign and the media.

What is going to be the impact of all this?  Especially in November's elections, what effect will the collapse of the Russia-Trump hoax and the uncovering of the media/Democrat conspiracy have on the average voter?

To answer this question, we need to divide the voters into a few subgroups.

First, the rabidly anti-Trump Democrats won't care.  They are voting for the Democrat no matter what.  They still get their daily dose of Russia - Trump from CNN or MSNBC and they don't believe the stories revealing what actually happened.  In other words, given a choice between what the media tells them and their own "lying eyes", these folks believe the media.

Second, we have the opposite group, the people who strongly support the President no matter what happens.  These people will vote for the Republicans in November no matter what gets said. 

Third, we have the people who are not invested in either side, the folks who voted in 2016 for Trump or for Hillary but who don't really have a strong view that ties them to one side or the other.  This is the swing group.  For the last year, these people have been told that Russia colluded with the Trump campaign.  At first, they accepted that as a possibility.  Then, when no proof was put forward to support that claim, they began to tune it out.  As one smoking gun after another came to nothing, this group came to realize that there really wasn't much, if anything, to the whole Russia - Trump story.  They focused more on the economy (good for Trump), North Korea (good for Trump), trade (good for Trump), and jobs (good for Trump).  On the other side, these same people focused on Trump's behavior which is constantly derided as non-Presidential, on school shootings, on race relations and on immigration.  Each of these cut through the group in different ways that are still playing out.  Nevertheless, in 2018, it has been clear that the general movement of the electorate has been towards Trump and the GOP and away from the Democrats.  It has been a slow and steady movement that shows up in the President's job approval numbers and the results of the generic Congressional polls.

Now, however, we have a new addition to the mix.  It is not a usual occurrence for the country to learn that the party in power (the Obama Democrats) used the CIA and FBI to plant a spy or spies into the campaign of the opposition party (the Trump campaign).  This is the sort of police state tactic that one may see in movies but which one thinks could never actually happen in the USA. (Except it did).  We still don't know where this new strain of the story will go, but it seems a safe bet that no matter what we find, it will not be helpful to the Democrats.  Oh, it could turn out not to help the GOP much, but for the Democrats there seem to be only two possible outcomes:  (a)not so bad or (b) disaster.  The people in the middle are going to get the news of what the Obamacrats did in 2016 and since then.  It cannot be hidden no matter how hard the media allies of the Democrats try to accomplish such a result. 

It will be ironic if the long strident charge of the Democrats and media in the Russia-Trump hoax ends up being the impetus for the Republicans to keep the House and Senate in 2018.  The so called Blue Wave will become the Blue Wash Out.  People are finding out the truth and that cannot help the Democrats.

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