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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Amy Klobuchar Has NO Idea

I happened to hear a bit of CBS' Sunday interview show, Face the Nation today.  I don't like the Sunday shows of this sort, and Face The Nation is the worst of the bunch.  Even so, I listened for about two minutes to hear senator Klobuchar of Minnesota interviewed about the decision by a federal court holding that Obamacare is unconstitutional.  It was instructive, not about Obamacare, but rather about Amy Klobuchar.

Senator Klobuchar denounced Republicans because the Texas judge ruled Obamacare unconstitutional.  That seemed a bit bizarre since the decision was based upon the requirements of the Constitution, but that's just the usual political BS.  What got me was Klobuchar's response when asked what would happen next with Obamacare.  She replied that the Democrats were going to stay the court's order and fight it out on appeal.  Now, if Klobuchar read the decision, she would know that the judge in Texas already issued his decision in a way that carries with it a stay during appeal.  Remember, Klobuchar is a lawyer, so she would understand this if she read the decision.  She told America that the Democrats would fight for a stay that is already there.

How can this be?  Did Klobuchar go on TV to discuss the court's ruling without even bothering to read it?  It's not that long; she could have read and digested it in less than five minutes.  Does she care so little about the truth that she would just discuss something she hadn't even read?  The alternative is that Klobuchar did read the decision but decided to ignore what it actually says in order to lie to make herself and the Democrats look better.  Maybe she thinks that by announcing that the Democrats would fight for a stay, that they could then try to take credit for the stay the court already put in place.  Neither alternative is a very good one for Klobuchar.

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