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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Sophistry For Simpletons

I laughed out loud this morning when I read the statement made by a former Lebanese cabinet minister named Mitri about why the tunnels dug by Iran and Hezbollah under the Israel/Lebanon border and the storage of weapons in those tunnels was perfectly legal.  In order to understand just how silly the statement is, you need to understand that under the UN resolution that ended the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon in 2006, it was agreed that there would be no weapons in Lebanon south of the Litani river other than those in the possession of the UN forces or the Lebanese army.  Hezbollah was to have no weapons in that region which includes at least ten miles of Lebanese territory from the border.

Here's what the Lebanese official had to say:

Mitri said that, "the article in the resolution that defines there would be no weapons south of the Litani River, with the exception of the Lebanon army and UNIFIL, does not directly address this matter. If there is nothing visible over ground, and if this weapon is underground, then it is not visible and therefore it does not exist."

It's hysterical.  Weapons that are hidden underground don't exist.  By that logic, tanks kept inside garages (which would also be hidden from sight) don't exist.  Howitzers under camouflage netting also don't exist if you can't see them. 

What a jerk.

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