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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

CNN Phony Polls Are Back

In the weeks before the election in November, the polls taken by most media outlets were attempts to come up with correct numbers rather than attempts to create stories and narratives.  That effort has ended.  We are back to phony polls from the media.  The latest culprit is CNN.

There are two polls of President Trump's job performance out today.  One from CNN and one from Rasmussen.  CNN has the public disapprove by a margin of 53 to 40.  Rasmussen has 49 percent approve and 49 percent disapprove.  The difference between a -13% margin and a tie is more than statistically significant.  There's no way that these can just be inadvertent polling variations.  Some people will argue that Rasmussen always polls better for Trump, and that certainly seems true.  Nevertheless, the last poll of likely voters had Trump at -3 and the last three of registered voters had Trump at -6%.  If we assume that Trump is actually at -6%, then CNN has their poll (which covers the same time period) with a 7% difference.  That difference is statistically significant too.  What is even more significant is that CNN polls over time have always averaged a substantially worse performance by the President than those of other organizations.

Fake News really rules at CNN.

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