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Monday, December 10, 2018

The Need For Careful Consideration

Congress has a chance to pass the so called "prison reform" bill this week or next.  The bill would among other things change sentencing guidelines for many crimes and would provide for early release possibilities for many felons now in federal jails.  It has provisions that strangely would let those who sold child pornography across state lines get out of jail unless this is a second offense for the crime.  That's a bizarre change in my opinion.  I just use that as an example, however, of why there needs to be careful consideration of this bill, not a rush to passage because it is the latest cause.

Let's remember Obamacare.  It was sold as providing healthcare to millions.  As it turned out, it did no such thing.  Instead, it provided health insurance to many but it also forced millions to pay much higher premiums for plans that they did not want.  It forced people to lose the plans they like and the doctors they liked as well.  Worst of all, it left many people insured but with co-pays and deductibles so high that they still couldn't afford to get needed health care even with the insurance.  In short, it was sold on a false premise and it just didn't work.

There is no reason to rush through the prison reform bill.  It ought to be subjected to careful review and debate.  Items like the leniency for first time sellers of kiddie porn ought to be taken out of the bill.  That can't happen if it is rushed through Congress in the next week.  If prison reform is a valid goal for the government, the it ought to be proper reform and not just a bill that has questionable provisions in it that no one should support.  I wonder if, for example, there is someone in prison for selling kiddie porn who got one congressman or senator to lobby for the provision discussed above.  Items like that can't be snuck into a bill when there's a rush.

In short, Congress ought to defer action on this bill until next year when it will have more than adequate time to handle it properly.

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